The application is 32-bit app and it works fine on my windows xp (xp style display), but when I run the application on a windows Server 2003 sp2 x 64 it doesn't show xp style.
#Photoshop cs6 key 62 bit code#
I have an old application VC6 and I turn into VS2010 and add style xp by using Add following code to stdafx.hĬomment (linker, "/ /MANIFESTDEPENDENCY: \" type = "win32" name version = ' - controls =' ' processorArchitecture = "x 86" publicKeyToken = '6595b64144ccf1df' language ='* '-"")Ĭomment (linker, "/ /MANIFESTDEPENDENCY: \" type = "win32" name version = ' - controls =' ' processorArchitecture = "ia64" publicKeyToken = language '6595b64144ccf1df' ='* '-"")Ĭomment (linker, "/ /MANIFESTDEPENDENCY: \" type = "win32" name version = ' - controls =' ' processorArchitecture = "amd64" publicKeyToken = '6595b64144ccf1df' language ='* '-"")Ĭomment (linker, "/ /MANIFESTDEPENDENCY: \" type = "win32" name version = ' - controls =' ' processorArchitecture ='* 'publicKeyToken = '6595b64144ccf1df' language =' * '-"") Application of 32-bit VC ++ does not style xp on windows server 2003 x 64